In the quaint village of Dagguluru, there lived a man named Kotayya, deeply passionate about the heritage and beauty of traditional bullock carts. Growing up, he would watch these carts, drawn by bulls and guided by farmers, carry families, crops, and memories along dusty village roads. Kotayya knew that as times changed, these carts were becoming rare, mere remnants of a bygone era. Determined to keep this legacy alive, he began crafting miniature bullock carts by hand, transforming them into beautiful showpieces and home decor items.
What began as a small passion project soon grew in popularity. People admired his work, not just for its aesthetic beauty but for the nostalgia it evoked. Inspired by this, Kotayya expanded his creativity, crafting teak wood teapoys with bullock cart designs, blending traditional elegance with modern utility. Today, through Wheel Crafts, Kotayya’s vision lives on, sharing a piece of heritage with each unique piece, preserving memories and stories for generations to come.